Speculative market conditions like the one being experienced in the Chinese stocks encourages and even rewards undisciplined trading which raises the overall market risk. If you choose to trade these stocks do not be seduced by the large and seemingly easy profits at the expense of prudent money management skills. These stocks can be money making machines if you catch the timing right, if you don’t it can be very painful very quickly. I am staring in disbelief as one of the sotcks I wanted to concentrate on (EFUT) has just soared from 19 to 26 in the pre-market, looks like it went without me. These are a few of the other Chinese stocks I will have my eye on today.
Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (ADR) (Public, NASDAQ:ACTS)
China Automotive Systems, Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:CAAS)
China BAK Battery Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:CBAK)
Euro Tech Holdings Co. Ltd. (Public, NASDAQ:CLWT)
Canadian Solar Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:CSIQ)
China Yuchai International Limited (Public, NYSE:CYD)
KongZhong Corporation (ADR) (Public, NASDAQ:KONG)
eLong, Inc. (ADR) (Public, NASDAQ:LONG)
Linktone Ltd. (ADR) (Public, NASDAQ:LTON)
New Oriental Energy & Chemical Corp. (Public, NASDAQ:NOEC)
Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd ADR (Public, NASDAQ:SNDA)
SINA Corporation (USA) (Public, NASDAQ:SINA)
Solarfun Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (ADR) (Public, NASDAQ:SOLF)
Xinhua Finance Media Limited (ADR) (Public, NASDAQ:XFML)
Consider all of these stocks to be very risky, if you are not disciplined trading them you will likely lose a lot of money.