The primary focus of Alphatrends has always been (and always will be) low risk, high probability equity swing trades. Each idea is presented with well thought out and explained reasoning in video format. The spreadsheet gives reminders of price levels for “official swing trade ideas” as well as trading concept reminders.
Each subscriber is encouraged to “make the ideas their own” based on their individual risk tolerances and timeframe preferences. If you are a daytrader, many of the ideas will trigger for great day trades. If you are an investor, I will often point out ideas which look like their charts could support an investment thesis.
Alphatrends does not do sales often, we are doing one now through Sunday February 4, 2018
Annual memberships are discounted as follows
Gold $799 now $599
Silver $599 now $449
You can also pay via Bitcoin or Ethereum, email for details.
See this page for membership details
If you are interested in subscribing at the discounted pricing, please send an email to