***Welcome, Kirk Report readers (thanks for the link, Charles). Be sure to click on the AlphaTrends above to see the rest of my site. Check back around 4:45 PM eastern each day for a video technical analysis recap of the days trading.***
It is being reported on CNBC that Amaranth Advisors has experienced a dramatic turn for the worse after making a massive incorrect bet on natural gas. Apparently this fund, with $9.5 Billion in assets, has seen its YTD gain of 22% erased and now the fund is down 35%YTD, OUCH!! Here are a few of my thoughts on this slow Monday of trading.
– No one is bigger than the market and no one is immune from the potential of financial ruin
– There are no “sure things” in the market
– Everyone deserves what they get out of the market, if you swing for the fences you will often strikeout
– Risk management and position sizing are more important than what you trade
– Bad news comes out at short term turning points (could this lead to a short term turnaround in the price of oil?)
– I thought it was a “hedge” fund?
– Just because they control billions, it does not mean you cannot beat their performance
– The “smart money” doesn’t always do smart things with their money
I’m sure this list could go on and on, feel free to add your comments.