This morning I mentioned that I was having problems with my emails being delivered to AOL accounts. This is the response I got from AOL

Hi – Saw your quick post about delivery issues you’re having with AOL Mail. I’ve asked our spam operations team to look into it and check if there’s any problem that needs to be resolved. Thanks. R.
Roy| Vice President, Mail Products | AOL

and this afternoon…

Hi Brian,
My name is Mike Jones and I direct the Anti-Spam Ops team in the Mail Services group. I saw your post regarding problems sending mail to AOL and would like to see if I can help figure out what is happening. Can you send me a test mail at this address and to The second address is an unfiltered address used to trouble shoot issues. Feel free to give me a call at the number in my sig if you’d like.

I wasn’t even complaining, just trying to let the AOL users know that I was trying to answer their questions.

I have sent DOZENS of emails to youtube about the recent problems with their services and have not seen a single response. I don’t want to complain, but I wish Youtube would get their act together. I’m glad GOOG was down today.