Options can be a very confusing subject for many people. I do trade options but I do it the way you “aren’t supposed to”, that is I only buy premium, I buy puts and calls. I have been successful with this simple approach but my success comes more from my ability to be a good stock picker than understanding complicated options pricing models and strategies. I sometimes suggest options to look at but never give formal recommendations on options trades. I also do very little education about options on my site, but based on many of the emails I receive, there is a definite need for options information. With that in mind I would like to suggest the following sites for those of you who are interested in options trading.
I have known Pete Stolcers of 1Option.com for about six years and he has done a terrific job of putting together a ton of free educational content on his site along with paid premium content which includes recommendations, be sure to visit and save it as one of your favorites. The homepage is packed with great info but dig deeper and you will see the homepage just scratches the surface!
I met Adam Warner of Adams Options through our participation in Wall Strip and Adam has impressed me with his knowledge of some of the more complicated options strategies (but he makes them sound simple, like a true pro) so be sure to bookmark this one also. Adam also offers a good collection of links to other interesting sites and some cool videos.
A newcomer to the options blog world is an anonymous writer who goes by “ODA 125”. He (or she) only has a few posts, but for those of you who may be new to trading options or who want to brush up on some basics this site looks like a promising place to start. It will be interesting to see if the posts can continue to be as good as the first few are (I bet they will) Check out Options The Easy Way